Registered Address:
- A registered office of the company to be registered with relevant Hong Kong Government departments
- Collecting letters from the Government departments
- Client can make use of the registered office at their letter paper and business cards
Correspondence Address and Parcel Collection:
- more effective mail delivery to the correspondence address provided
- mail and parcel collection and timely notification of collection or transfer
Designated Call/ Fax Service:
With Direct Phone/Fax Number
- Calls answering and fax delivery by a designated person in the name of the company
- Calls transfer and leaving messages
- Fax transferred to any designated e-mail address
- Print direct phone/fax number on the letterhead and name card
With Call Direct Service
- Transfer designated calls to a given fixed line/mobile number
- No geographically bound. Calls made and answered anywhere
- 作為公司註冊地址登記於香港政府相關部門
- 代收政府、銀行及商業信件
- 可用於信紙及名片上
- 可選擇公司名稱掛牌
- 郵遞信件可更有效地寄抵為您提供的香港通訊地址
- 代收信件及郵包,並及時通知閣下領取或為您轉寄
- 專人以公司名義接聽及代收傳真
- 轉告來電及留言
- 傳真可以轉發到任意指定電子郵箱
- 可使用獨立電話/傳真號碼編制信紙及名片
- 可因應需要隨時將專線電話轉接
- 沒有地域界限,任何地方都可接收來電